Catherine Asaro

Award Winning Science Fiction & Fantasy Author

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Publisher: Luna

Charmed Destinies

Three classic novellas of timeless love and tantalizing fantasy…

Counting Crows by New York Times bestseller Mercedes Lackey

In Lady Gwynnhwyfar’s dark, lonely court, her only ally was noble Sir Atremus, a warrior willing to fight for her honor. But would her powerful spell capture his heart—or tumble the kingdom into chaos?

Moonglow by Nebula Award–winning author Catherine Asaro

In a world where kings married for magic, Iris Larkspur was required to wed the prince—despite the spell that kept him deaf, mute and blind. Healing her bridegroom would take a power greater than any she’d ever known—one only two bonded hearts could provide!

Drusilla’s Dream by USA TODAY bestseller Rachel Lee

Every night Drusilla Morgan dreamed of courageous and handsome Miles Kennedy. Their quest: to battle evil and find true love. Yet when the sun rose, would Drusilla’s fantasy man become a reality?

The Night Bird

For centuries the women of Aronsdale have lived freely among the green and misted valleys. Creatures of beauty and sensuality, they possess powerful skills of enchantment…and young Allegro is no different. But her life—and Aronsdale’s independence—is threatened when Jazid nomads invade, carrying Allegro into the desert as a prized trophy.

Until an unexpected ally falls under her spell. From the moment feared Jazid warrior Markus Onyx meets Allegra, he knows he has found his queen.

But even the promise of love cannot quell Allegra’s determination to save her homeland. Summoning her powers, she casts herself north—out of passion’s grip—and into the heart of conflict.

The Fire Opal

Deep in the sun-drenched desert, the priestess Ginger-Sun carries the power of shape mages. But whispers abound: Is she descended from the beloved Sunset Goddess, or does she fill her moonlit rituals with wickedness? Ginger herself is uncertain, until a stranger is left for dead at her feet.

Thence her magic begins to burn.

Fate makes Ginger the stranger’s wife and therefore a target for those who would murder this man for reasons she doesn’t understand. If they succeed in taking her from him, they will force her magic into twisted ferocity. Unless Ginger masters her dark powers, violence will rein in the country of Taka Mal—and in her soul.

The Dawn Star

Mel Dawnfield has no teacher to guide her, but also no mentor to discourage her from the impossible. She pushes her magic to its limits—and surpasses them. Now she must use her abilities to fight a bitter rebellion within her husband’s fledgling realm—and a plot that strikes at the heart of her family.

Mel’s mage strength could become greater than any power ever known. Does she dare turn her spells into weapons to protect her people and her husband? Her magic could transform the brutality of war into the birth of peace—or it could deal a death blow to her world.

The Charmed Sphere

Chime was the most promising mage in the land, celebrated for her future role in the kingdom. Then Iris, her young competitor, made a stunning leap in skill and turned Chime’s world upside down. No longer the most powerful mage, Chime is no longer promised to the prince of the land. Still unable to use her magic properly, she is set adrift. Muller, The new king’s cousin, and the former heir to the throne, finds himself in the same situation as Chime. When the neighboring kingdom threatens war, Muller and Chime must uncover the plot. Could this quest be the opportunity for redemption—or would it lead them to their deaths?

Award-winner Catherine Asaro, author of The Skolian Empire, creates her first full-length fantasy novel in a world rich with magic and power. Fans who caught a glimpse of the kingdom of Aronsdale in “Moonglow” from the Charmed Destinies collection are delighted with the result!

The Misted Cliffs

One generation ago a war nearly destroyed three nations. Now the old evil is returning to the land, and only Mel Dawnfield’s sacrifice can stop it. The promise of peace rests on this young woman’s noble vow; she must marry Cobalt the Dark, heir to a family of legendary cruelty.

Isolated in Cobalt’s home in the Misted Cliffs, Mel fears her husband’s dark heritage. She struggles to embrace her mage powers and unveil light in her shadowy world–including the radiance hidden only she realizes hides within her husband’s soul.

For her enemies are gathering strength and they will soon unleash the darkest evil in the name of war. Mel’s ability to harness her uncontrolled magic could mean the difference between peace and the end of the kingdom.