Catherine Asaro

Award Winning Science Fiction & Fantasy Author

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News & Updates

Invitation (and many quanta of roses)

June 8, 2021

I’d like to invite folks to join my Patreon page, if you are so inclined to support my writing (and music) in that way. I’m currently in the process of posting chapters to the new, revised version of my Nebula winning book, The Quantum Rose. I’m up through Chapter 19.

click through here to see my roses →

Ancient Ages on Nam Radio

April 12, 2021

Good news! Nam Radio put my song, Ancient Ages, in the rotation for their stations. The song gets play if it gets requests. If folks wouldn’t mind putting in a request, that would help a lot. Here is the info from them:

“Step 1: Click
Step 2: Click on Request a song on the player.
Step 3: Search for the song Ancient Ages.
Step 4: Click on the Request button next to the song.
Step 5: Listen to the radio.

The more requests a song gets, the higher it moves up on the queue list and the sooner it will play.To avoid spamming, listeners can only request the same song twice every 60 minutes from the same device.”


Catherine again: The YouTube video isn’t getting many views or likes any more. If you feel so inclined to go over and like the video, it would be much appreciated. Here it is:

Many thanks!

the (new) Quantum Rose, more chapters

March 26, 2021

Here are chapters 14, 15, and 15 of the revised The Quantum Rose:

Here are the previous chapters:

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six and Seven:
Chapters Eight and Nine:
Chapters Ten, Eleven, and Twelve:

more info, click through here. →

My Leprecon Schedule, Sunday March 21, 2021

March 21, 2021

I have two events today at Leprecon.

Reading: Sunday, March 21, 11-11:30 EDT (8-8:30 Arizona time)

Panel, The Future of Space: Sunday, March 21, 1:00-2:00 pm (10:00-11:00 am Arizona). Gregory Benford, David Brin & Catherine Asaro discuss the future of the space program.

Free registration

Sorry for the late notice: this was somewhat last minute! I hope folks get this in time to come. I don’t know if I’ll have anyone at my reading this morning. Although it’s 11 am for me, which isn’t bad, it’s 8am for people in Arizona, which is where the con is located. Who at a convention gets up that early on a Sunday morning! ?

Chemists writing science fiction

March 2, 2021

Jon Evans, an author and essayist, did an article on chemists writing science fiction for Chemistry World, one of the premier science magazines in the UK, published and owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry. He included me as one of the chemists! To read the article, click here.

It looks like it’s paywalled, but it’s not. At the bottom, it has an option for a free subscription if you register with them.


Chapters 8 and 9 of the revised The Quantum Rose

February 28, 2021

Hello, everyone! I’ve posted chapters 8 and 9 of the revised The Quantum Rose on my Patreon page.

Also, here are links to the previous chapters.

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six and Seven:
Chapters Eight and Nine:
Chapters Ten, Eleven, and Twelve:

Congratulations to CMP Winners

February 17, 2021

I’m pleased to announce the results of the February 2021 Online Math Contest for the Chesapeake Math Program.

First place: Daniel He, Montgomery Blair High School, grade 9
Honorable Mention: Rebecca Wu, Atholton High School, grade 10

Daniel receives a $25 gift certificate as the first place prize
Rebecca receives an Honors Certificate.

My congratulations to our mathletes!

Click here to visit the main Chesapeake Math Program page.

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2021

Here’s wishing you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day, whether you treat yourself, spend it with someone else, or just have a good, relaxing day.

Best always — Catherine

My Boskone 58 Schedule

February 12, 2021

I’m excited! I will be appearing at Boskone this weekend. To see my schedule with details and links to the Zoom panel, click here.

Friday night (tonight) 9:30 pm EST, Feb 12, 2021 (1 hour):

Saturday night, 7:00 pm EST, Feb 13, 2021 (1 hour)

I’m really looking forward to the con. I was their Hal Clement Science Speaker at Boskone 55, and I’d gone to various Boskone as a panelist in previous years. The nice part about doing cons on virtual platforms instead of in person is that folks like myself can participate from almost anywhere. Yay! I get to see many old friends, and I hope news ones as well.

For more details, click through here. →

The (new) Quantum Rose, Chapters 1-5

January 30, 2021

I’ve posted Chapters 1-5 of The (new) Quantum Rose on my patreon page. I’m revising the whole book in preparation for the eBook re-release. The chapters are here:

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:

Art Credit: Julie Bell

This is the original cover for the hardcover from Tor.







more Click through For more pictures click through here. →