Catherine Asaro

Award Winning Science Fiction & Fantasy Author

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News & Updates

Happy Holidays!

December 25, 2020

May you have a merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday for however you celebrate this season. Wishing you the best of New Years as well. The two cats here are myself and my daughter. 🙂

New Cover for The City of Cries?

December 13, 2020

My eBook publisher likes some of the covers I designed, so they asked if I might do the cover for The City of Cries. I’ve put up all six covers from books that illustrate “The City of Cries” on my Patreon page, and we’re discussing what people like, don’t like, what works, what doesn’t work, and so on. If you are on Patreon, or feel inclined to become one of my patrons, I’d really appreciate your input! Here is the link.

The picture here shows the cover my publisher designed (which I think looks fine). That’s the one they asked if I could consider doing something new.

My Philcon Schedule

November 20, 2020

The 2020 Philcon is this weekend! Here is my schedule. Hope you can come!

Saturday, Nov 21, 4pm EST, Plaza 1: Drift Compatible: The Science of Neural Interface Technology

Saturday, Nov 21, 7pm EST: Reading, Catherine Asaro

Sunday, Nov 22, 4pm EST, Plaza 1: Rule of Cool vs Actual Science

SFFcon starts today!

November 7, 2020

SFFcon is almost upon us! Here are details about my panels.

Saturday, Nov 7, at 2 PM PST, or 9 PM GMT
YouTube Link:

Sunday, Nov 8, at 2 PM PST, or 9 PM GMT
YouTube Link:

• Join the Facebook Group:
• Join the Conversation on Discord:
• Learn more at:

Click through For more details, panel details, and a list of speakers. →

Tuckerization Contest

August 30, 2020

I’m running a Tuckerization contest on my Patreon page.

You may have heard the term before; Tuckerization is using the name of a real person as a character in a book. It comes from the author Wilson Tucker, a science fiction writer and prolific sf fan and editor, who often used the names of his friends for his characters.

In the next two weeks I’ll be posting scenes from various of my novels on my Patreon page. Out of all the scenes I post, four will involve Tuckerizations. If you are the first person to get all four, you can select any book or record you wish from the Starflight Music and Books catalogue and I will send it to you.

Click through for more details→